work sheet 
operate a hand die stock 
thread a GI pipe
Drop head stock and dies.
1. Select the correct die head for threading the pipe
2. Pull the knob or wheel and set the die head in the ratchet stock.
3. Check whether the die head is sitting in the correct position.
4. Adjust the pipe guide for correct sliding, fit and lock into position.
5. Apply a little pressure to the stock and keep the handle at right angles to the pipe axis.Drop head stock and dies have a fixed pipe guide and no adjustment is necessary
6. Rotate the handle clockwise with slight pressure towards the pipe at right angles to the pipe axis.
7. When the dies bite into the pipe , stop pushing and simply continue the rotation, by moving the handle up and down.
8. Apply a cutting lubricant to the part which is to be threaded.
Note: Use lard oil or mineral lard oil when threading steel pipes
Cutting lubricant allows the die to cut more easily; to stay sharp and to produce a better finished thread

9. Probably some metal chips in the way, in this case you must ease the handle back ant –clockwise. This breaks off long cuttings and  clears the cutting edges of the dies. Continue threading until the threads beyond the until the pipe extents about one or two threads beyond the end of the stock.
10. Reverse the knob or wheel ease the handle and turn the stock anti-clockwise until you take the stock and dies off the threaded pipe.

11. Finally, clean off the threads with a stiff wire brush and some clothes.

12. Clean the internal burrs using a reamer

The length of a pipe thread should be between 15mm and 36mm long depending on the pipe diameter
13. Fit a joint onto the threads
The joint should be hand tight.

this is the end of our task take care of all the safety precautions therein involved and the critical steps by which when you miss them will fail your product.
thank you 
Gilbert Niwamanya 
Instructor Nakawa Vocational Training Institute 
Department of  Sheet metal and Plumbing.
00256-774 228 871


  1. the hand die is a very convinient tool for threading but isnt there an automatic machine for that task?

    1. On most cases the hand die is convenient for small diameters and for sites that have no source of power like a generator or hydro electricity power. Otherwise in cases where there is power source, a power thread cutting machine is used it is as well easy to operate and does quality work.
      thank you for the comment.
