1.    Square stake
2.    Plastic mallet
3.    Straight snip
4.    Scriber
5. 300mm steel rule

tools required for this task however you can add in some as situation requires


steps that you can follow to make the product yourself

To understand the procedure, begin on a piece of manila.
1. measure and mark the length as per the working drawing
 2. The cut raised in the picture is the unwanted piece to be cut.

   Cut off the unwanted part as shown 


Notch the bottom line as shown after marking.

Fold following the lines and the model 


Bend the piece of manila using the center as the symmetry 

   Fold until the two sides meet to form a right angle.

 Trim to dimensions and proceed for transferring manila template to sheet metal.

   Measure and mark the length as per the working drawing 
  Cut off the unwanted part as shown
     Notch the bottom line as shown after marking
The cut is the unwanted piece 

a.    Bend the beaded edges as shown 
      Fold the parts shown to right angle using a square stake and a plastic mallet.

Fold up the other 120mm length to right angle.
Taking the Centre of the piece (150mm) bend the two parts to come to a right angle. 

       The product!!!! 
      Bring the ends together and trim to proper dimensions.
Then proceed to solder or rivet so as to make the gutter stronger.

         Important: the beaded edge to face inside.
     All sides to be straight and upright. The base to be flat with the surface on which is placed.

        The base of the corner gutter to be without any gap left even before soldering.
       Put on gloves to avoid injuries on the hands.
The snip should not cut beyond the limit marked 
 prepared by 
  Niwamanya Gilbert-Instructor
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute-Uganda (East Africa)