work sheet
Task: Fabricate a hasp
1. the product requires time and accuracy
2. It shall be able to swing through a 180
3. The gap left only conforms to the size. Padlock to be used for locking.
Tools required.
i. Flat file
ii. Ball pein
iii. Hammer
iv. Steel rule 300 mm
v. Hack saw
vi. Bench vice
vii. Emery cloth.
1. Clamp the rod in the vice.
2. Bend 12 mm at 90 deg
3. Take center to center.
4. Bend 35 mm at 135 deg
Flatten the piece so as to obtain straightness
6. Repeat procedure 1 to 3 on the other end of the piece.
7. Use a stake to bend the middle of the piece to shape.
8. The ends must meet
9. Observe straightness of the product
10. Bring the ends together
11. File to size the 12 mm length
12. Smooth using emery cloth.
13. Fix it to the end set for the lock
14. Rivet the ends to mushroom size to prevent it from coming out.
15. Check for soundness of the product.
16. Clean the workshop
17. Hand over tools.
happy blogging !!
prepared by Niwamanya Gilbert